
Monday, November 11, 2013

2Ways to earn 100$ a day!

After all... the funny thing is, earning $1000 in a day is NOT all that much more complex than $100 - it's just a simple factor of scaling your small steps into bigger ones.
Okay, let's look at 2 SUPER easy ways to start earning $100 a day without gimmicks, gadgets or gurus... and YES, it really IS this easy if you follow the steps below.
1 - Filed Under: Article Marketing for Affiliate Income
I call this the Strategy of Straight Lines and it only requires 3 factors to start.
1 - Content (just like this)
2 - A high EPC affiliate offer (over $100 is ideal if you are setting a $100 a day goal)
3 - High volume article directories
Your job?
Write articles that send your visitors to a high performing affiliate offer, DIRECTLY from the article directory itself. If you pick a HIGH EPC offer of 100 or more, all you need to do is drive 100 visitors a day to earn, on average, about $100. (EPC is the average earnings for every 100 visitors referred)
2 - Filed Under: Flipping Hyper Local Websites
This is the absolute EASIEST, and most "underground" income opportunity in the online entrepreneurial space, hands down. It's so easy to do... it's almost embarrassing! All you have to do is register a local domain name in a popular market where LEADS are valuable, and competition is steep, in your local community.
Put a blog on the domain, host it, add an RSS email subscription form and a little bit of curated content over the course of the day. Then, simply contact 10 people in the local community, who have existing sites and work in that field, and tell them you have an online asset available if they want it, at a ridiculously low cost.
The truth? Selling these sorts of sites for $100 is incredibly easy... and in reality, you can get $299 or up without much negotiation at all. Often, these can be done in 3 hours or less, and I've actually seen these sites sell on Craigslist, the very same day they've been built, often for closer to $1000, than $100.
The very FIRST $1000 I made online was using this exact approach, and it took me less than 4 hours to finish. (This was after 4 months of working my rear end off making NOTHING, trying every other marketing method under the sun)
Anyone reading this can have similar success... and I invite you NOT to believe me. Instead, I challenge you to try and apply t he ideas above, and see for yourself how easy it really CAN be! (no gurus required)
Want PROOF? Click Here to ===> Make $100 Dollars a day (or more) THIS Month! 

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