
Friday, July 11, 2014

Five Thought Leadership Skills You Need In 2014

By Hajj Isa

Content marketing success does not come to those who are not prepared to go the extra mile to get the job done. Those who are willing will see a lot more success than those who tend to get by with the bare minimum. There are multiple thought leadership skills required to maximize your potential. Let's take a look at these skills.

Be Real - There are so many content marketers that are below par because they are not 'real'. They simply do not create this image of a real person speaking to the target audience. This does not help in pushing the product or influencing people in the right manner. They have to feel as if they are being marketed to by real people with real voices.

Versatile Writing - You have to be able to tackle the same target audience in a multitude of ways to get the right response. This means you have to use different mediums and platforms to get results. Don't stick to the same old game plan as it will eventually stop working. Maximize Strengths - If you have a specific strength such as a particular platform where you have excelled make sure you are using it. These strengths are a key part of moving forward towards success.

Be Bold - There is nothing wrong with being different, it can often do the trick. Use this boldness to change perceptions of the target audience. Boldness can often win over people because it is different. Consistency - The final skill that is required would come in the form of consistency. The target audience has to understand the content that is used for marketing purposes is consistent and does not jump from place to place with changing promises.

5. Mobile Success - To be successful you need a mobile strategy. You need to be seen every where if your content marketing is going to be a success. A responsive blog will get you there faster. These five summary points should help you on your way to becoming a successful thought leader in your industry.

Let's take a look at a few important thought leadership skills to consider. Research - It all begins and ends with the research that goes into what is being marketed. If the product/service is not well researched along with the audience that is being marketed to, it will certainly fall apart at the seams. You have to do your research before beginning.

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