
Thursday, June 1, 2017

How To Handle A Rolling Walker Safely

By Michelle Olson

It may seem like just a simple piece of equipment mostly operated by the elderly and infirm, but walkers are frequently involved in pretty serious accidents. Used improperly, they can cause broken bones, concussions, and automobile collisions. Although everyone should be careful in the vicinity of an individual who needs this equipment to get around, the person using a rolling walker bears responsibility for operating it safely.

Walkers have to be at the proper height for the individuals using them. The top should not be any lower than your wrists when they are by your sides. Walking beside the equipment is not correct procedure. You should be behind it when it is moving. Standing straight and looking forward is the best way to improve your posture and keep you aware of what is ahead of you.

People who use walkers have to be aware of their surroundings. This is a good idea for everybody, but those with a piece of equipment in front of them have to be doubly vigilant. You never know when someone will leave a stray book or toy on the floor. Running into something can cause you to lose your balance. Uneven steps, rugs, and doorway strips can all be hazardous when navigating with walkers.

People who wear glasses and hearing aids need to use them with walkers. When you enter or leave a room, be sure to look both ways so you don't accidentally run into someone with your walker. It could cause serious injury. If you are in line, you need to keep a healthy distance between you and the person in front of you. Getting in a hurry could cause you to fall, even with the walker.

If walkers are not in good working order, they can be dangerous. You should inspect the wheels for any trash or debris you might have picked up. The rubber tips on leg bottoms need to be secure and unworn. If the seat tips back and forth, it should be screwed tighter.

Walkers with seats are for the convenience of the users. They allow a person to sit and rest for a few minutes if necessary. Walkers are not wheelchairs however. They were not made to be pushed while someone sits in the seat. It could tip over or break from too much weight. Overloading it with grocery bags or other packages can also make it vulnerable to tipping.

There is a certain etiquette to be followed when using walkers. If you are in a restaurant, for instance, the best idea is to let the waiter take it from you and store it out of the way until you are ready to leave. You shouldn't park your equipment in aisles at a theater or concert. Not only could someone trip over them, but they might be a hazard in the case of an emergency.

Walkers are great alternatives to wheelchairs for those with mobility or balance issues. They give a sense of independence to the user. This can improve an individual's attitude toward a disability and reduce anxiety and depression.

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