
Monday, December 14, 2015

For Information About Bail Bonds Richmond VA Is A Recommendable Place To Visit

By Marci Nielsen

A bail bond is one of the methods that are used for securing the release of defendants from police custody. Defendants are usually awaiting trial for charges labeled against them. Family members, friends, bail bond agents, or the defendants themselves have to sign an agreement document before release. The document directs the court to retain a certain sum of money should the defendant fail to return to court for their trial. When one needs an agent in bail bonds Richmond VA should be given priority.

People who offer to pay monies needed to release defendants from custody of law enforcement are called bail bond agents. Services of these agents are hired when the crime defendants are being charged with are big, hence attracting huge amounts for their release. Defendants are paid back the total amount they pay down plus 10-20 percent of that amount as charges for services rendered.

The liability of paying the amount needed by the court should the individual fail to appear for trial shifts to the agent once they agree to offer their services to the defendant. Defendants usually become clients. However, agents do not agree based on the word of mouth alone, they need collateral to guarantee that they will be paid for the amount of money they will have to pay to a court.

One can give collateral in many different methods. Agents accept securities, jewelry, written guaranties from credit-worthy individuals, and title deeds. All possible risks arising from the agreement are covered by collateral. Usually the agent sells the property to retrieve what is owed to them. In the case of written guaranties, they may sue the guarantors to retrieve their money.

Agents do some calculations before taking up a client. The decision is usually based on several factors such as prior criminal record, employment status of the client, and how long the client has been living a given neighborhood. Defendants with no prior criminal record, steady employment, and have been living in the neighborhood for long are considered to be good risks. An agent will be happy to work with such people.

On accepting to take a defendant as a client, the agent posts the bond at the court. The court is usually the one in which the client is supposed to come back later for the trial. The amount specified usually corresponds with the nature and degree of the crime. Obviously, defendants on trial for serious crimes are required to pay huge sums.

Upon the reception of the bond, a ticket is issued by the court clerk. The ticket notifies the police that the defendants has met the bail and is free to go. Following that notification, the police are obliged to release the defendant with immediate effect.

Liability under the bail is concluded upon honoring of the conditions and appearing in court as required. Another condition under which the liability ends is when the terms of the bond are made impossible to execute. That can be caused by events such as a defendant dying, being arrested, detained, or imprisoned.

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